Year 1 Yew Class
Welcome to Yew!
Welcome to Yew Class. I am the proud year 1 teacher, Mrs Payne. Together with Miss Anker, we have the most wonderful job of supporting our class to become incredible, enthusiastic learners. We are a busy class filled with tremendous children who run in daily with huge smiles and an eagerness to learn. I believe that this is down to the exciting curriculum and subjects that we teach.
This year some of the areas of learning we will be covering are 'Where in the world are we?' in geography, 'What is my history?' in our history lessons, and 'Animals, including humans' in science, to name but a few. It is great seeing the children become eager, confident and independent learners. We always aim to keep that enthusiasm growing.
Class Information:
There are two classes in Key Stage 1 for children aged 5 – 7 (Yew and Aspen). There is one Year 1 class and one Year 2 class. Although they have their own curriculum they may sometimes join together for learning or assemblies.
The Key Stage 1 team consists of
Year 1 teacher Mrs Payne
Year 1 Teaching assistant - Miss Anker
Year 2 teacher - Mrs Vickery-Cox Key Stage Lead
Year 2 Teaching assistant - Miss Goodwin
Year 2 1:1 Miss Cowell
Meet the Teacher presentation
Please see below for the presentation that was shared with parents at our Meet the Teacher session in September. This will give you an insight into how things run in Year 1.
Termly Overviews
Please click the link to see what Year 1 is learning in the Spring Term.