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At Maple Tree, our intent is to spark children's curiosity as scientists, developing a thirst for learning and finding out why things happen in the way that they do, including exploring significant events and scientists throughout history. We value science as a core subject and want our pupils to learn key scientific vocabulary and knowledge as well as the skills linked to scientific working. We want our pupils to develop the ability to think independently and raise scientific questions, developing an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery.

We hope children will have an excitement and passion to pursue science in further education, which can lead to a career in the field of science and medicine, such as marine biologist, astrophysicist or chemist. Throughout the curriculum we embed our science lessons with opportunities for asking scientific questions, using a wide range of resources, and developing vocabulary and scientific terminology. We promote both independence and team work through regular practical investigations, including celebrating national Science Week each year.  

Please click the image below to see our whole school Science overview. 


Science is taught for two hours a week, as a separate lesson but is linked to our topic work where appropriate, except in Early Years (EYFS) where it is all topic or seasonal based. We encourage our pupils to be inquisitive and curious, and to inspire them with a sense of awe and wonder. Skills are taught and developed, and scientific terminology is introduced each lesson. Pupils are able to carry out simple tests and experiments using equipment and to gather and record data. Visits and school trips, e.g the Science Centre, or to the farm, will complement the delivery of our science curriculum. We also have a dedicated science week in the Spring term.

In EYFS, learning is focused around the seasons, cooking, and anything that may spark the children’s interest in relation to science, or in order to answer any scientific questions that arise. Children begin to ask questions and make comments on what they see. They use simple tools and equipment to answer questions about investigations such as planting and growing, melting ice and baking.

In Key Stage 1 (KS2), children are taught the life cycle and classification of animals, how plants grow, the uses and properties of different materials and seasonal changes. They undertake practical investigations to understand plant life cycles, how materials act, and the effect of exercise on our bodies. Knowledge Organisers are introduced to help the children understand the key learning outcomes and vocabulary from each unit of work.

In Key Stage 2 (KS2), children’s questioning and investigative skills are developed further, allowing children more ownership over their practical work. They are encouraged to plan and conduct their own work both independently and in small groups, with a choice of resources available. They will use and make electrical circuits, learn about Earth and space, forces including magnets, light and dark, as well as further developing their understanding of animal and plant life cycles, and the effects of diet and exercise on their own bodies.

The teaching of science at Maple Tree follows the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. All and any needs of the children are met and extended through differentiation.


At Maple Tree, science is considered, high quality and well thought out. The children are given plenty of practical and investigative opportunities in which they can build upon their skills, knowledge and understanding of science. They leave Maple Tree with a love and passion for science, and an inquisitive mind. The progress and impact of our curriculum is measured in the following ways:

  • Survey children’s engagement with their learning.
  • Record of club attendance.
  • Through monitoring and scrutiny, work shows a higher level of pupils meeting learning outcomes.
  • Progression from EYFS starting point to end of KS2.
  • Parents are engaging with work that is shared through school communication.

We are very proud that we achieved our Bronze Science Quality Mark Award. 


National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study: