At Maple Tree Primary School, our exciting curriculum is broad, balanced and covers in detail the relevant objectives for each year group. It is rich in knowledge, skills and meaningful experiences. All subjects are highly valued and equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and understanding in every area of the curriculum. This is underpinned by our key aims:
- For every child to rush through the gates on a daily basis wanting to get into school because they can’t wait to learn!
- To enrich learning through our strong ethos based on respect for ourselves and others, equality and a sense of wonder at the world we live in.
- To ensure that every child is able to confidently read across a wide range of rich texts and genres within the curriculum for different purposes.
- To integrate the individual subjects of the curriculum into ‘learning topics’ that engage our children and provide a clear context for their learning.
- To meet the needs of all learners in our curriculum, challenging them and enabling them to problem solve and undertake learning at a deeper level.
- For our pupils to have a love of learning, feel passionate and have ownership of the outcomes.
Click the image for our Intent, Implementation and Impact document.
Our whole school curriculum comprises an entire planned educational experience informed by organisational principles and approaches, making full use of opportunities for real world learning through exposing the children to visitors in school, offsite visits, enrichment activities throughout the year and adapting our teaching to respond to key events.
Our curriculum has an ambition for high achievements of all pupils irrespective of background and starting point.
How do we know our curriculum intent has been achieved?
Our curriculum intent, enabling life in all its fullness, is achieved when:
- we aspire to enjoy, achieve and learn each day
- we are confident and successful learners, demonstrating our values
- we provide a safe, nurturing and loving school
- we provide life skills which encourage our children to shape their own beliefs, values and mind-sets
- we all flourish within an inspiring, innovative, meaningful and broad curriculum
- we know ‘the whole child’ and challenge expectations of all
- we have a positive attitude from all to lifelong learning
- we are hopeful and resilient
- we demonstrate the 'Maple Tree Way' in their learning and behaviour in and around school
Our high expectations encourage children to thrive in a safe and harmonious environment where they continue to show they are focused on our vision which incorporates
How does our curriculum ensure progress for all?
Through an emphasis on attainment and progress for all, we ensure all our learners enjoy, achieve and learn in the very best way for them as individuals. We do this through target setting, and monitoring children’s progress against their individual expectations. Children who have special educational needs and disabilities, those who are disadvantaged, those who speak English as an additional language and those who attain higher than that expected for their age have their needs met through the broad and balanced curriculum offered and individual support where required.
If you have questions regarding our curriculum or require further information about something mentioned, then please contact the school using the email address.