Equality and Diversity
Maple Tree Primary School is committed to equality for all pupils and staff in our setting. Pupils learn that everyone is a unique individual and the need to respect other people's opinions, ideas and beliefs. Pupils and staff are treated as individuals in their own right and all strengths and differences are celebrated.
In our latest pupil survey, 95% of pupils agreed that Maple Tree encourages them to treat people from other backgrounds with respect.
Our curriculum
Across all areas of our curriculum run our school values; these are revisited monthly with a focus value and celebrated in all aspects of school. In PSHCE, pupils explore themes such as community, diversity, British Values, healthy relationships and discrimination. Our RE curriculum teaches knowledge of and respect for a range of religions and beliefs.
Awareness Events
There is a monthly Inclusion Assembly which raises awareness about particular Awareness Days held throughout the year. All pupils and staff are invited to take part in these assemblies to give their perspectives of their strengths and differences, for example, a pupil who is learning to read and write in Braille talked about why they are learning to do this and how it helps them to learn. After the assembly, there is often an activity for pupils to complete too. We also celebrate Black History Month each October, usually exploring the theme with a whole school project. Last Black History month we explored the text ‘We Sang Across the Sea’, which outlines the journey many Caribbean people took to migrate to England.
From our pre-school up to year 6, we source a range of resources that represent all members of society. For example, different ethnicity of dolls in pre-school or class texts that show neuro-divergent characters.