School Meals
School Meals
School dinners are provided by Dolce. School lunches are ordered and paid for by parents. Orders can be placed online from home or via the online app. We also provide a classroom pre-order (prior to registration) account for anyone who has not ordered from home. A copy of the menu can be found here.
If you need a login for schoolgrid, please contact the school office.
Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to a free school meal.
Children in Year 3 and upwards may qualify for a free school meal. If you feel your Key Stage Two child may be entitled to Free School Meals, we encourage you to contact our Office, where we will be able to support you with this, or click here for further information on how to apply.
Packed lunches
We have been awarded the healthy schools mark and as part of this, we promote healthy eating. We therefore ask parents to support our healthy eating approach by providing a healthy packed lunch for their child(ren). It is school policy that no fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate are to be included in a packed lunch – thank you.
Your child’s clearly named lunch box should be placed by them on the lunch box trolley when they arrive at school. The trolley is then available in the hall for your child to collect their lunch.
Please be aware that some children may have a severe allergy to nuts. It would be helpful if you could avoid adding these to your child’s lunch box. It is for these reasons we do not allow children to share or swap food – please remind your child of this.
We all need to have a balance of foods to ensure that we eat the right things to keep our body healthy and well nourished. When considering your child’s lunch box try to put in something from each of the main four food groups:
- Bread, other cereals and potatoes (the largest group)
- Fruit and vegetables (the second largest group)
- Dairy foods (the third largest group, equal with meat and fish etc.)
- Meat, fish and alternatives (often called proteins, they are the third largest group equal with milk and dairy)
Snack Time
Here at Maple Tree Primary School, through the free fuit and veg scheme for schools we provide a healthy snack for the children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.
Children in the Foundation stage may choose to have a drink of milk or water. Those in Key Stages 1 and 2 will have water. Parents may pay for school milk fo KS2 children. Please talk to the Office staff about this.
Children in Key Stage 2 may bring a healthy snack to school each day. This should be either a piece of fruit (fresh or dried) or vegetable – as part of our healthy eating policy, anything else will not be allowed and will be returned home at the end of the day. Snacks should be brought to school in a named bag or small box and will be kept in the classroom for children to have at break time.