EYFS Framework
Our Early Years Foundation Stage is guided by the EYFS Framework and principles and focuses on seven areas of learning: personal, social and emotional development; physical development; communication and language; literacy; mathematical development; Understanding of the world and Expressive Art and Design. Our school fully supports the principle that young children learn through play, and engages the children in well-planned structured activities.
Teaching in the Early Years classes builds on the children's prior experiences. We have endeavoured to ensure that we provide a firm basis for progression through school using the excellent practise and theories embedded in early years as a springboard for developing a whole school approach to teaching and learning within the creative curriculum. All topics covered by the Foundation stage link progressively with those taught across school.
Monitoring Progress
In Pre school and Reception we regularly assess children and identify their next steps. Progress is recorded in observations that make up the children’s individual learning journeys.
How you can find out how your child is getting on?
- Parents evenings
- Learning Journeys
- End of Pre-School/ Reception reports
Promote Independence
We are always there to help but the more your child can do the happier they will be!
- Encourage your child to practise taking their coat on and off and hanging it up.
- Practise going to the toilet by themselves.
- Spend some time away from you with friends or family.
- Practise taking turns when playing games and sharing toys with other children.
- Give your child simple instructions such as “Put your blocks away in the box”
A Parents’ Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework can be found here.