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Bill Gates Quote: “I think it's fair to say that personal computers have  become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools ...”


Digital literacy, information technology and computer science are at the heart of our computing curriculum. These fundamental pillars enable all children to become autonomous, independent users of modern technologies, behaving with the utmost respect, tolerance and confidence including keeping themselves safe.

Our curriculum is based around the essential knowledge that there is always a choice. We want our children to feel inspired and to apply their skills and understanding in order to utilise positive experiences and opportunities; we strive for our children to become creators of content in the 21st century, including the world of robotics, coding and application development.

Throughout our curriculum here at Maple Tree Primary School, we embed our lessons with opportunities to develop creativity, resilience, problem solving and critical thinking skills. This is what drives our children to become the digitally literate citizens that will shape the future of our world. Through a range of visits, trips and clubs, we aim to develop their understanding of themselves as members of a wider digital community.

Please click the image below for a whole school overview of Computing.



Computing is taught primarily through a standalone computing scheme, which equips all members of staff with the knowledge to effectively deliver a range of inspiring, engaging and considered lessons. Lessons are taught weekly, for an average of 1 hour per week. Whole school assemblies, focusing specifically on E-safety, are held every half term and are followed up with a range of discussions and lessons in class.

In Early Years (EYFS), learning is focused around technology within the home and school environment. Children learn to interact safely with age appropriate technologies, for example programmable toys, interactive games and everyday appliances.

In Key Stage 1 (KS1), children are taught what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs on digital devices. They develop their computational and problem solving skills by debugging a range of programs; logical reasoning is also applied. Children will be able to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school and they will be taught how to use these technologies safely and respectfully.

Children’s learning in Key Stage 2 (KS2) is developed further as they are taught to design, write and debug programs for a range of purposes, including controlling and simulating physical systems; solving problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. Sequencing, selection and repetition are also paired with variables and various forms of input and output. Computing networks are explored and search technologies are used effectively. Children will be selecting, using and combining a range of software, on a range of digital devices, to create a range of programs, systems that collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information.

Each year group will have the opportunity to direct their own learning through a project based approach at the end of the school year, allowing them to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding that has been taught throughout the year, thus making learning even more purposeful. All and any needs of children are met and extended through differentiation.


At Maple Tree, computing is considered, high quality and well thought out. The children are provided with experiences and opportunities in which they can demonstrate and build upon their skills, knowledge and understanding of computing. The progress and impact of our curriculum is measured in the following ways:

  • A reduction in the number of online safety concerns logged.
  • Survey children’s confidence in relation to unit objectives.
  • Survey children’s engagement with their learning.
  • Record of club attendance.
  • Through monitoring and scrutiny, work shows a higher level of pupils meeting learning outcomes.
  • Parents are engaging with work that is shared through school communication.
  • Parents subject knowledge is improved through workshops and school communication.

National Curriculum Computing Programmes of Study: