Managing Infectious Diseases
It is highly likely that at some point in your child's time at school they will catch one of the common early childhood diseases such as chicken pox or hand, foot and mouth disease. We always follow the most up-to-date NHS and government guidance when managing cases of infectious diseases within our school.
Gov guidance on how to manage cases of infectious diseases in children
The most common questions we get are: Can my child come into school with this and if not, when can they return? Below links to a useful table showing the answers to the above questions for a number of common infectious diseases. This is what school staff will refer to when managing cases within school.
A table showing how long you must stay away from school for different diseases
Please note, if you report your child is ‘unwell’, office staff may ask for more details about their symptoms. This allows us to monitor cases of different illnesses as part of our duty to public health.